We have had a great response from our members regarding the OALEP Contact List: 41 members from 18 different police services have signed up and provided their contact information. The contact list can be downloaded from the Contact List page under the Membership menu. This list is only accessible to people who have registered for access to the Members Only sections of the website. You can register for access here.
A few things to keep in mind when using the contact list:
- Contact information will only be current as of the date it was posted
- A few times per year, OALEP will ask everyone to confirm their contact information. After this happens, an updated list will be posted. Please ensure you are using the most current list so that you are contacting the right people.
- If you need to update your contact information, email our Communications Director. While every effort will be made to update the contact list as quickly as possible, it will take some time and we cannot make any guarantee that members will always be using the most current list.
You can add filters to help you reach the right people for your inquiry. To use them, simply highlight the headings and click on the filter symbol in Excel. Using the filter dropdowns, you can select the contacts with the options you are looking for.
To email the contacts you’ve selected, simply highlight the email address field in the excel table, copy and paste it into the ‘To’ field in your email.
As always, if you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to contact any member of the Executive Board.