Best Practices in a Changing Environment – OALEP Spring Symposium

Policing has always been dynamic, evolving in response to a changing environment. However, police services in Canada, and worldwide, are in the midst of a period of unprecedented change. This rapidly changing landscape has led to increased demands on police services and a need to examine our organizations and delivery of services.

Thus, OALEP has selected Best Practices in a Changing Environment as the theme for the Spring Symposium. Deputy Minister Torigian from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and Ron Bain of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police will speak on the new Police Services Act as well as some of the biggest changes and pressures facing policing in 2018. More details regarding presentations and speakers will come out in the next Blueprint, but speakers will present on a range of topics such as:

  • Legalization of Cannabis
  • Cybercrime
  • Body Worn Cameras
  • Mental Health Partnerships
  • Measuring Diversity and Inclusion
  • Mass Casuality Bureaus
  • Cybercrime
  • And More!

Be sure to mark your calendar to attend OALEP’s Spring Symposium in Barrie May 8-10th and stay tuned for more details.